preference, elderly, ride hailing, binary probit model, demand-responsive transport
Issue Date
20180201 ~ 20181231
Int. J. Highw. Eng. Vol. 20 No. 6 : 191-198 DECEMBER 2018
PURPOSES: The purpose of this study is to analyze the elderly's preference for ride hailing (car sharing) services that use non-commercial
vehicles and to identify the crucial factors influencing this preference.
METHODS : Based on a literature review, a questionnaire was made to explore the preference of the elderly (over 65 years old) for ride
hailing services. The survey was conducted in a rural area in Chungcheongnam-do. A total of 210 completed questionnaires were obtained. A
binary probit model was applied to estimate the preference choice behavior.
RESULTS: Monthly income, gender, age, and the time it takes to walk to the nearest bus stop were the main factors that influenced the
preference for ride hailing services. The preference for ride hailing is likely to decrease when the monthly income of the elderly increase,
and increase when the nearest bus stop is far away or as people get older. In addition, women had a stronger preference for ride hailing
than men.
CONCLUSIONS : For the elderly, ride hailing services can help them maintain their mobility and could be one of the countermeasures for
demand-responsive transport from a sustainable perspective.
1. 서론
2. 선행연구 및 방법론
3. 자료수집 밑 특성
4. 모형설정 및 추정결과
5. 결론