2013년 대한 교통학회 대전·충청지회 국제 워크숍 하계학술발표대회
'Age-Friendly Safety and Welfare in Transportation'
■[제1주제]Post-accident adaptation behavior and dynamic travel information
: A comparison between the elderly and non-elderly
(Junyi Zhang IDEC, Hiroshima University 교수)
■[제2주제]Impacts of urban planning & transportation on healthy ageing
(Dick Saarloss Univ. of Western Australia 연구위원)
■[제3주제]Improvement of Walking Environments for the Transportation Vulnerable
(이정범 박사 대전발전연구원 책임연구원)
■[제1주제]Post-accident adaptation behavior and dynamic travel information
: A comparison between the elderly and non-elderly
(Junyi Zhang IDEC, Hiroshima University 교수)
■[제2주제]Impacts of urban planning & transportation on healthy ageing
(Dick Saarloss Univ. of Western Australia 연구위원)
■[제3주제]Improvement of Walking Environments for the Transportation Vulnerable
(이정범 박사 대전발전연구원 책임연구원)