기초생활권 중심지 정비사업의 평가와 개선방안-일반농산어촌지역 읍(동)면소재지종합정비사업을 중심으로-, Review and Proposal of Central place Improvement Project in Basic Settlement Area-Centered on Comprehensive Improvement Project of the Seat of Eup(Dong)Myon

DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.author김은순(Gim Uhn-Soon)-
dc.identifier.citation한국지역개발학회지 제25권 제4호 2013.11/25(4)-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the planning methods of central place of basic settlement area and to propose the improved alternatives under the changing policy environment. For this purpose, we reviewed "Manual for General Rural development Projects, 2013"(Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) and "Report of total survey on Comprehensive Improvement Project of Eup?Myon, 2012"(Korea Rural Community Corporation) and analysed the plans for improvement of the seat of Eup or Myon. There were found out some problems which hindered effectiveness of rural center planning as follows-
dc.description.abstractbiased objectives of comprehensive improvement project of Eup(Dong)Myon, planning target of central place without distinction, range and type of projects centering around hardware, inefficient planning and implementation process, etc. Based on these findings, There were proposed improved alternatives of rural center planning methods such as providing differential planning guideline according to functional level of central place, diversifying the object field(living environment and natural environment, economic diversification, socio-cultural facilities and program) and devising diverse software program, applying urban and regional regeneration techniques, and improvement of planning system for comprehensive improvement project of Eup(Dong)Myon.-
dc.description.tableofcontents1. 서론 2. 관련 정책 동향과 과제 2.1. 관련 정책 동향 2.2. 쟁점과 연구과제 3. 일반농산어촌지역 중심지정비사업(읍(동)면소재지종합정비사업)의 평가 3.1. 읍(동)면소재지종합정비사업의 목적과 추진방향 3.2. 읍(동)면소재지종합정비사업의 적용 대상지역 3.3. 읍(동)면소재지종합정비사업의 적용 대상영역과 사업 3.4. 읍(동)면소재지종합정비사업계획의 수립과 추진 4. 일반농산어촌 중심지정비사업(읍(동)면소재지종합정비사업)의 개선방안 4.1. 중심지정비사업계획의 목적과 위상 재정립 4.2. 중심지 유형별 차별적 접근 4.3. 대상영역 및 사업의 확대와 소프트화 4.4. 계획 수립 및 추진의 합리화 5. 결론 참고문헌-
dc.publisher한국지역개발학회지, 충남발전연구원-
dc.subjectblock grants-
dc.subjectbasic settlement area-
dc.subjectgeneral rural area-
dc.subjectcentral place-
dc.subjectcomprehensive improvement project of Eup(Dong)Myon-
dc.title기초생활권 중심지 정비사업의 평가와 개선방안-일반농산어촌지역 읍(동)면소재지종합정비사업을 중심으로-, Review and Proposal of Central place Improvement Project in Basic Settlement Area-Centered on Comprehensive Improvement Project of the Seat of Eup(Dong)Myon-
dc.date.term20120101 ~ 20121231-
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